Sleazy Cazzo factory fuck

I’m glad Cazzo is putting some gear fetishism into its latest feature, Fuck Crazy. Their last few DVDs have mainly featured naked guys. And while that probably satisfies a wider audience, as a gear freak I’m happy to see them returning to their sleazy roots.

Image of Tomas Brand fucking Hans Berlin while Logan Rogue sucks his cock

It’s good to hear some proper German expletives being uttered in this scene too – I way prefer to hear German in a German porn film, but as studios inevitably have to look beyond their home territory for casting, English often ends up being the default common language. Hans Berlin gives it plenty of verbal as he bottoms for Logan Rogue and Tomas Brand, who hail from Sweden.

The scene starts with Hans mounted on top of a factory trolley, mouth wide open, being rolled back and forth by Tomas, so his mouth connects with Logan’s rock-hard dick. It’s hot to see Rogue and Brand – a couple in real life – sharing this horny rubber sub between them. They end up standing over him, kissing each other while they alternately shove their cocks in his mouth.

Images of Tomas Brand, Logan Rogue and Hans Berlin in Fuck Crazy

The best part comes when Brand fucks Berlin in the ass while he sucks Logan’s dick. From the noises Hans is making, it sounds like he’s getting his postate properly massaged. And the three hunks switch positions a couple more times – with Berlin first riding Brand’s cock from on top, then getting down onto his back – before all three are ready to shoot.

Watch the free trailer at Cazzo

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