Jessie Colter flogged and fucked

I’d drink Jessie Colter’s piss, so I can’t help feeling envious of leather hunk Brad Kalvo in this second instalment from Titan’s sleaze epic Loud and Nasty, when he gets down on the floor and takes a geyser of Colter’s hot piss right in his mouth.

Jessie Colter pisses in Brad Kalvo's mouth

We’ve seen a lot of Jessie Colter recently – and the lean, bearded stud always makes a good bottom in bondage and S/M scenes. I’m less familiar with Brad Kalvo, but he’s quite a find – a massive, hulking, handsome stud with Italian looks, a sleazy attitude and a cruel, merciless way with a stinging leather flogger.

Dressed in a leather harness and jock, Kalvo secures Colter to a St Andrew’s cross and starts dusting his back with the flogger. Jessie seems to take it pretty well at first, but you can see his skin turning pink under the increasing force of the blows. There’s no question this boy likes to take a beating, though – when Brad pulls down Jessie’s neoprene shorts, he reveals a rock-hard boner straining to get out.

It looks like the pain’s starting to get to Jessie as Kalvo rains blows on his muscular ass cheeks and he can’t help crying out as the relentless lashes keep coming.

Taking a break for a moment, Brad gets down under the cross and lies back between Colter’s legs, aiming his hard dick straight into his own mouth to swallow a generous stream of hot, golden piss. He gulps down a big mouthful before spitting a huge fountain of it into the air.

After administering one last vicious beating, Kalvo unties Jessie and bends him over a bench to tongue his tender, tortured ass. After getting him nicely wet, he pushes his big dick inside and fucks Jessie first from behind, then on his back. Finally he fucks Colter with his fingers while Jessie jacks off, shooting a jet a cum over himself before Brad adds his own spunk to the mess on the bottom boy’s chest.

Watch hot guys fucking, fisting and pissing in gear at Titan Men

Brad Kalvo tops Jessie Colter

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