Peeping Tom fucked by suited stranger

It’s not the first time Men at Play’s horny hotel has seen some voyeuristic action. Ben Brown, Alex Marte and Axel Brooks staged a hot three-way fuck out in the corridor a couple of months ago. This time, Will Helm and Kriss Aston are the two cock-hungry city boys who meet when they’re staying over on a business trip – and end up fucking in Helm’s room.

Will Helm in a suit

Kriss Aston and Will Helm have fucked before. It was impressive the first time, so I’m grateful to see these two back in action together for this latest movie from MAP. Helm’s checked into a London hotel for an overnight stay on a business trip, and it’s while he’s standing in the open door of his hotel room that he gets the feeling he’s being watched. Just across the hallway, Kriss Aston is peeping through the spy hole in his door, getting a good look at Will’s muscular body through his open bathrobe.

When he eventually takes the bait and wanders across the hall, finding Helm’s door open, Kriss encounters a suited Will just waiting to be used. Aston runs his mouth over the stranger’s neck and presses his hardening tool up against his butt.

Will Helm and Kriss Aston get to know each other

It’s a slow build-up, but when these two finally get down to business, it’s a frenetic explosion of unrestrained man-on-man lust. Helm gorges on Aston’s rigid pole before letting Kriss repay the favour with his own eager mouth. And not for the first time, Aston gets down on all fours to take Helm’s rock-hard tool in his tight hole, letting Will fuck him deep before the two hunks jerk off, each spilling a generous load over Aston’s naked body.

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Will Helm and Kriss Aston suck each other's dicks and fuck

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