Suits tag bar boy in uptown private members’ club

An exclusive wine bar is the setting for this scorcher from Men at Play, which has cute barman Scott Hunter brushing up on his private waitering skills by servicing ass-hungry studs Alex Marte and Axel Brooks.

Axel Marte, Axel Brooks and Scott Hunter in Table Service

It all begins when Alex Marte and Axel Brooks spy each other over the bar in the dimly lit room. From the moment their eyes meet, it’s almost no time before the two suited hunks are lounging together on the couch, Brooks’ mouth chomping on Marte’s rock-hard dick.

But watching from behind the bar is barman Scott Hunter, who comes right over the join the fun. Hunter bends over to service Marte’s cock with his mouth while Brooks begins to play with his butt, stroking his hole and even pushing his leather belt into the bottom boy’s ass. Both tops take their turn with Hunter’s hole – and it isn’t until Scott’s ass has been well and truly used that they’re finally ready to blow their loads all over his handsome face.

Watch Scott Hunter get tag fucked by Alex Marte and Axel Brooks

Axel Marte, Axel Brooks and Scott Hunter in Table Service

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