Filthy animals fuck in rubber

If you ask me, Cazzo’s still ahead of the curve when it comes to sleaze and they’ve still got the nastiest sex pigs your subscription can buy. Take these two from Hard Play. What I like about Jordan Fox and Fernand Dutch is there’s no sense they’re posing or putting it on. When these two start groaning and grunting like a pair of animals on heat, I reckon they’re feeling every moment of it for real.

Picture of Fernand Dutch licking ass juice of a dildo

Dutch starts off sucking Fox’s rock-hard cock, swallowing it all the way to the root until he has the musclebound top groaning appreciatively. I love a guy in waders – and Jordan looks totally hot in his thigh-length slick rubber boots, red rubber jock and leather harness. Fernand – who’s wearing a black rubber vest and jock – bends over to take his buddy’s big dick into his greedy ass, and Jordan slams it in there with massive force as Dutch braces himself against the bench.

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Pictures of Jordan Fox and Fernand Dutch

But that’s not the end of it. As Fernand starts to get properly opened up, Jordan grabs a collection of toys and starts pumping his butt with a giant black dildo. He follows it up with his fist, plunging his mitt deep into Fernand’s hole before the hungry bottom gets up and squats on his forearm, taking a ride on it before the ass-obsessed top finally shoots his load.

Pictures of Jordan Fox pissing on Fernand Dutch and fisting him

Watch Fernand Dutch get fisted

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