Fist pigs compete over mammoth double ender

We already know that towering, bearded hunk Drew Sebastian gives good verbal. His sexy deep voice is what makes this scene for me, as he shares a fat double-ended dildo with Blake Daniels, goading the other butt pig as they work it back and forth between them.

Image of two men sharing a double-ended dildo

They’re on all fours on a platform facing opposite directions with the dildo lodged deep in their asses. “C’mon. Give me some more of that fucking dildo,” moans Drew as Blake rocks back and forth, sucking the thick slab of black latex into his hole.

But Drew needs something bigger, so he rolls over onto his back and puts his legs in the air to take Blake’s hand in his butt. As he strokes his huge dick (10″, according the blurb), Daniels works his hole, ramming his fist in and out until Sebastian pushes out a juicy rose bud.

Pictures of Drew Sebastian and Blake Daniels in Xperts

The scene ends with Blake stuffing his black latex gloves into Drew’s pouting hole, then blowing his load over his fellow pig’s ass.

Watch Xperts at Hot House

Pictures of Drew Sebastian and Blake Daniels in Xperts

Drew Sebastian gets fisted

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