Harley Everett fucks in rubber

Tattooed muscle hunk Harley Everett is slicked up in rubber chaps for this scene from European porn meisters Cazzo. And he’s ready to inflict all kinds of brutality on lucky sub Frank – from fucking and dildo play to piss and sounding.

Harley Everett stuffs a dildo in Frank's ass

Harley Everett’s bubble butt looks spectacular bursting out of his yellow stripe rubber chaps as he prowls around chained Frank – who’s wearing a rubber wrestler suit with his head encased in a huge inflatable latex bubble. Everett unzips his captive’s suit and roughly pulls out his shaved cock, yanking hard on his low-hanging balls for good measure.

Once he’s taken off Frank’s hood, he gets to work with a flexible silicone sound, slowly easing it into the other man’s semi-erect cock. And later on he douses his victim with warm, tasty piss, letting him drink some straight from his dick.

Watch more filth from the uber pigs at Cazzo

Harley Everett and Frank in Cazzo's Krass

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