Nick Prescott takes on Matt Stevens and pisses all over his hairy body

There’s more pit-licking, spit, bondage and piss on the menu in the latest entry in Titan’s long-running Rough series. This scene from Foul Play has Nick Prescott manhandling towering leather stud Matt Stevens, who’s been tied up with his arms outstretched.

Image of Nick Prescott pissing in Matt Stevens' mouth

The nastiest of all the torments Nick showers onto his helpless captive comes when he clamps his hand over the other man’s mouth, momentarily cutting off his air supply (breath control is one thing that can always make me squirm) before burying the hunk’s face in his arm pit.

Watch Foul Play at Titan

Images of Nick Prescott and Matt Stevens in Foul Play

Once he’s released Stevens, Prescott drenches his furry, muscled frame with hot piss. He rounds the scene off by ramming his cock into Matt’s hairy hole, grabbing his harness as he slams his hard dick deep inside him.

Nick Prescott dominates Matt Stevens

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