Rubber fuckers in fisting threesome

Rubber pigs Brock Rustin and Sebastian Keys have already given each other’s sloppy holes a good pummelling. Their previous scene had them handballing each other in 69 position, but now they’re ready to be joined by insatiable fist pig Trent Bloom.

Trent Bloom, Sebastian Keys and Brock Rustin in Take the Plunge

While Sebastian crouches over Rustin, allowing the red-bearded hunk to work on his butt hole, Bloom feeds Brock’s hole with a huge black dildo.

For once, the only person not taking it is Trent. But Sebastian’s not going to let an opportunity to check out that infamous butt pass him by. Getting down onto the floor below Trent, he plays with his gaping hole while Bloom continues to work on Brock. Soon the three of them are connected in a moaning, groaning, lubed-up, sloppy chain, stuffing each other’s asses until Brock’s been worked to exhaustion.

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Three-way fisting with Trent Bloom, Sebastian Keys and Brock Rustin

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