Police officer fists cock-hungry jailbird

Life behind bars is never going to be easy but with a hot cop like Dolan Wolf in charge, it can have its perks too. In this scene from Long Arm of the Law, Wolf manages to handball prisoner Brandon Moore through the bars of his cell before forcing him to strip and fist his own butt for his entertainment.

Image of Dolan Wolf fisting Brandon Moore

As he patrols the cells, uniformed officer Dolan Wolf’s attention’s settles on repeat offender Brandon Moore. Poking his hard dick through the bars of his cell, Wolf demands his daily blow job, getting the young thug on his knees and getting him to suck on his fat cock. But today he’s after more than just a little head. Telling his prisoner to strip out of his orange jumpsuit, Dolan lubes up his gloved hand and slides it into Brandon’s ass through the bars of his cell. Pushing his fist fully inside Moore’s sloppy hole, he pounds his butt until it’s gaping and dripping lube.

See Dolan Wolf in action

Once he’s got Brandon nicely opened up, Wolf orders him to get up on the bed and put on a show, while he gets inside the cell and strips off. Moore fists himself on the bed, while Dolan jerks his dick, finally spilling his manjuice while he tweaks his nipples.

Images of Dolan Wolf and Brandon Moore in Long Arm of the Law

Watch this hot fisting movie at Club Inferno Dungeon

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