Tibor Wolfe fucked, fisted and plugged

Perennial pig bottom Tibor Wolfe and muscle top Brad Kalvo serve up a smorgasbord of sleaze in Titan’s Shove It, delivering a hard and nasty session of fucking, fisting, toys and piss.

Tibor Wolfe and Brad Kalvo in Shove It!

More of Tibor and Brad in action

Tibor Wolfe’s always been a glutton for having stuff shoved in his ass. In this scene he starts off swapping blowjobs with square-jawed hunk Kalvo before bending over to take a big red dildo in his butt. Once he’s starting to get loose and sloppy, he’s ready to have the big stud’s dick plunged deep into his hole. After that he gets flipped onto his back to get fucked some more before Brad greases up his hand and slides the whole fist into Tibor’s quivering ass.

The high point of the scene comes when Wolfe’s getting fisted and – packing a full hard-on throughout – he manages to unleash a stream of hot piss all over his chest. But even then these two aren’t finished. Brad lubes up a massive dildo and holds it steady on the bench while Wolfe rides it, taking it deep inside his gaping manhole.

Tibor Wolfe and Brad Kalvo in Shove It!

Watch the full unedited movie

Tibor Wolfe and Brad Kalvo in Shove It!

More sleaze from Titan

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