Dungeon boy gets a belting

This classic scene comes from Cazzo’s awesome Frankfurt Stories. A good example of the kind of hard, gritty fetish fuck action that put this German porn powerhouse on the map, it makes a welcome reappearance on the Cazzo Club website.

Hot leather daddy gets a blow job

I’ve never been big on pain. If I was confronted with a tanned, muscular, German leather daddy like this one, though, I’d certainly think twice.

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Erik Finnegan is exploring a sleazy sex club when he stumbles on a nasty domination scene playing out in one of the building’s dark, dungeon-like chambers. Two caged boys endure some rough treatment from a pair of leather masters. One of the subs gets released from his cage, only to be tethered to the wall and flogged.

Once his ass is looking red and sore, the boy gets hoisted into a sling. There he gets fucked stupid in both ends – and finally showered with spunk.

Dungeon action in Frankfurt Stories

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