Harley Everett gets fucked on the kitchen table

Poor Harley Everett. In this week’s instalment from Men at Play, he’s a chef who’s toiling in the kitchen when along comes health and safety inspector Trenton Ducati. The news isn’t good: Harley’s got mice nesting in his kitchen! Too bad. It looks like Ducati has no choice but to shut him down. But there is, Trenton suggests, one other way…

Picture of Trenton Ducati fucking Harley Everett

Just as well Everett’s ready to give up his ass. The horny bureaucrat is packing a rock-hard boner and he’s just aching to get his balls drained. In no time at all, Harley’s got his pants round his ankles and Trenton has his cock shoved deep inside that sloppy hole. After giving it to Harley against the worktop, Ducati gets him on his back on the kitchen table and shafts him good and hard – first from the front, then doggie-style from behind. And when Trenton’s ready to dump a load, Harley gets down and sucks his dick, letting the musclebound top shoot his jizz all over his stubbled face.

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Pictures of Trenton Ducati and Harley Everett in The Inspector

Watch Harley Everett get it in the ass

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