Dungeon dildo pigs

With his tattooed, sinewy frame, shaved head and rough stubble, just one look at Cylus Kohan will tell you he’s a filthy animal of a butt whore – and with this scene from Down & Dirty, he shows us just how nasty he can get in a dungeon full of oversized ass toys.

Morgan Black and Cylus Kohan in Down & Dirty

Cylus starts off bent over a fisting bench while masked Morgan Black is using a bucket of lube to grease up a big black ridged torpedo. Black looks hot in his rubber jock – even if it seems a waste to cover up that handsome face with a neoprene mask – and he takes his time as he gets ready to attack his butt slave’s sloppy hole. The huge dildo slides into Kohan without much trouble at all, even if it still forces a deep groan from Cylus as Black slowly works it in and out. Next he picks up a huge rubber truncheon with a long smooth shaft and big round head – shaped more like a fist than a cock – allowing Kohan to sit on it and work his ass up and down on the huge slab of latex.

Watching Cylus pleasure himself on the massive dildo turns out to be more than Morgan can take – and he takes out his cock, working his joint until he cranks out a sticky load.

Watch Morgan and Cylus at play in the dungeon

Morgan Black and Cylus Kohan play with toys in Down & Dirty

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