Young studs fuck in sports gear

Alexander Gustavo is one messy eater. In Get Your Ass in Gear!, the new sports gear fetish fuckathon from Hot House, he’s slobbering all over hunky redhead Connor Maguire’s rigid tool as the two athletes get in a bit of extra practice before hitting the showers.

Picture of Connor Maguire fucking Alexander Gustavo

Wearing nothing but their jocks and shoulder pads, Gustavo and Maguire get to work on each other after practice. Connor sits back and lets Alexander gorge on his dick, taking it all the way into his throat and coating it with his saliva. Once he’s finished feasting on his buddy’s cock, Alexander gets onto his hands and knees so Maguire can tongue his hole, getting it soaked with spit. When he’s nicely lubed up, Connor gets up and pushes his dick inside, slamming it repeatedly into the boy’s ass as he fucks him from behind. Swapping positions, he sits back and lets the greedy bottom sit on his rock-hard cock. Alexander works his ass up and down, fucking himself on Connor’s boner until he’s ready to shoot, letting go a jet of cum before Connor pulls out and blows his load.

See Alexander Gustavo getting boned

Pictures of Connor Maguire and Alexander Gustavo in Get Your Ass in Gear

Watch Get Your Ass in Gear! at Hot House

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