Sleazy leather dog pisses in a bowl and drinks it

Solo scenes rarely rate this high. But sexy muscle cub Dirk Caber shows he can be a filthy dog even when he’s left to his own devices. With a rubber dog tail butt plug shoved deep into his hole and a leather dog mask covering his head, Caber cocks his leg and pisses in a metal bowl with a full hard-on.

Dirk Caber pisses in a dog bowl

When he’s finished, he lies on his back jerking his wet cock with one hand and working the heavy plug in his ass with the other. The highlight of the whole video comes when he kneels down and drinks his own piss from the dog bowl before picking it up and pouring the remainder over his handsome torso.

He finishes off by pulling the plug from his hole and shooting his load. This guy’s one sexy, sick puppy.

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Dirk Caber plays with his piss

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