Hot dad fists horny young pig

Beefy mature stud D Arclyte slaps slim, smooth Nate Grimes’ ass through his jock as the youngster leads him into the dungeon. Even if he’s little more than a boy, Nate has the appetite of a fully fledged pig as he makes out with tattooed muscle daddy Arclyte.

D Arclyte and Nate Grimes in Pig Alley

The two start by swapping saliva as they deep kiss before getting down to some harder action. Nate gets on his knees to swallow his dad’s juicy cock, his head bobbing up and down on it as he tastes every inch. Arclyte takes his turn, getting down to throat Nate’s tool, as streams of saliva hit the floor.

And that’s just the warm-up. Nate turns around and braces himself against a huge steel frame, letting Arclyte get to work on his smooth young hole. The older man works it open, greasing it with copious quantities of slippery lube before finally sinking his big hand deep inside. Arclyte fists him hard, working his giant mitt in and out until the young lad’s butthole is looking loose, sloppy and wrecked.

See young Nate get fisted

D Arclyte and Nate Grimes in Pig Alley

Watch the full movie at Club Inferno

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