Byron Saint gets his butt stuffed with an armoury of big toys

Aussie bottom boy Byron Saint is back in the sling for this scene from Club Inferno’s Hole Busters 10. We’ve seen how much this pig’s ass can take in his previous appearances for Club Inferno and Titan. This time it’s Rogue Status doing the honours as top, helping Byron’s butt get well and truly wrecked with a selection of oversized toys.

Image of Byron Saint getting a dildo shoved into his ass

Byron’s lying back in a leather sling, ready for Rogue to get him started with a fat dildo on a handle. He works it in and out, gradually loosening Saint’s hole in preparation for what’s to come. Next up is a fat, ridged dong – which seems to have a much bigger effect, leaving Byron’s sphincter slack, sloppy and leaking lube. It’s the mean-looking torpedo on a chain that finishes him off, though, pushing his ass muscles to their limit.

By the time he’s finished, Saint’s pushing out a bright red rosebud. Rogue’s work is done.

Watch Byron Saint’s butt get wrecked in Hole Busters 10

Images of Byron Saint and Rogue Status in Hole Busters 10

See how much Byron can take

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