Messy eaters fuck over dinner

A quiet dinner at home comes to an abrupt end when sex cheat Harry Louis gets pelted with food by his jealous boyfriend. In no time, the two hunks are covered with food and fucking over the dining room table.

Harry Louis blows Marco Sessions

Harry Louis and Marco Sessions are two moneyed studs enjoying a lavish supper from opposite ends of their enormous dining room table. But there’s more than a little tension beneath the surface when Marco accuses Harry of fucking the boss. It’s the trigger for an epic food fight that soon has the two of them dripping with dessert and eventually ripping each other’s clothes off.

Louis is a talented top with a nice big cock and this movie from Men at Play shows him at his best. Muscular Marco Sessions clearly can’t get enough of Louis’ dick, worshipping it with his mouth and wrapping his lips around the swollen head. But the pair are at their best when Harry’s fucking Marco over the table, the two of them out of their suits now as Louis delivers a good hard pounding in the middle of the mess of scattered fruit and whipped cream.

Watch the free preview of Food Fight! at Men at Play

Marco Sessions and Harry Louis in Food Fight!

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