Gustavo butt feast

I feel hungry just looking at Alexander Gustavo’s ass. This scene from the Hot House sports kit series Get Your Ass in Gear! 2 has his smooth, tanned, round butt perfectly framed by a red jock. It looks so inviting I can’t blame Lucas Knight for getting in there and making a meal of it.

Lucas Knight eating Alexander Gustavo's ass

Gustavo has made a few appearances at Hot House/Club Inferno recently, most of them involving having his butt hole eaten out. This time, he’s up on a platform with his ass stuck out ready for Lucas to dive in and start slurping. From the noises Alex is making, I’m guessing it feels as good as it tastes. Knight follows it up by gorging on his teammate’s cock before the two of them swap, with Alexander throating Lucas’s sizeable tool.

And after he’s spent some considerable time gobbling his buddy’s dick, Alexander is ready for dessert – which comes in the form of Lucas’s cock stuffed into his tight ass. First he gets on his back, so Lucas can fuck him from the front, then on his side, letting the young top spoon him from behind while he jerks his cock until he’s ready to cum.

Images of Alexander Gustavo and Lucas Knight in Get Your Ass in Gear! 2

Watch Alexander getting his butt licked at Hot House

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