Baseball pros fuck in locker room

Jake Deckard makes his baseball comeback in Jock Itch 2 – Balls to the Wall. In this scene team captain Deckard is sporting a mean-looking black eye when team buddy Dominic Sol finds him laid out on the locker room floor.

Jake Deckard licks Dominic Sol's baseball boots

But Sol knows just what to do to nurse Jake back to health – so when Captain Deckard wakes up with a raging hard-on, Sol wastes no time in getting to work on his rock-hard cock. He sucks hungrily on the swollen head and runs his mouth up and down the veiny shaft before swallowing it all the way to the root.

Next Deckard bends young Dominic over the locker room bench and starts feasting on the boy’s ass. After he’s got Sol’s butt crack slathered in spit, he shoves his hard cock into the hole, delivering a relentless pounding that has the young pup moaning with pleasure.

Watch more guys fucking in gear at Fetish Force

Jake Deckard fucks Dominic Sol

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