Isaac and Jake shoot and fuck

Real-life boyfriends Isaac Jones and Jake Reed have been let loose in the Men at Play studio with a camera and a wardrobe full of hot tailored suits. The result is a collision between MAP’s usual controlled style and pro-am grittiness – which has the two studs ripping each other’s clothes off and fucking on the couch.

Isaac Jones and Jake Reed in Les Amants

There’s no chance these two are just going through the motions – when Isaac and Jake get up-close and personal, you can tell it’s all real. And because they’re operating the camera themselves for most of the time, we get even closer to the action.

Les Amants by Men at Play

There’s plenty of hot closeup footage of the pair of them gorging on each other’s stiff cocks after peeling their clothes off. And the clip where they leave the camera lying on the couch – giving us a great view of Jake’s hole as Isaac plunges his tool in ­–  has a real edge of sleazy voyeurism.

Watch it at Men at Play

Isaac Jones fucks his boyfriend

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